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Melatonin, Mitochondria, and Microbes with Dr. John Lieurance, N.D., D.C.

The Boss Body Podcast

Melatonin, Mitochondria, and Microbes with Dr. John Lieurance, N.D., D.C.

Melatonin, Mitochondria, and Microbes with Dr. John Lieurance, N.D., D.C. The Boss Body Podcast
00:00 / 55:23

In this episode of the Boss Body Podcast, Dr. Tim Jackson hosts Dr. John Lieurance, who shares his expertise in chiropractic, natural medicine, and regenerative therapies. They explore the importance of mitochondrial and neurological health, the benefits of melatonin, and the role of the lymphatic system and cranial release therapy. Dr. Lieurance discusses the impact of chronic infections, neck fixations, and the significance of maintaining the body’s “doorways” for brain health. They also delve into the use of therapies like intranasal laser, suppository delivery of NAD, and light therapy for mitochondrial function. The conversation touches on the use of methylene blue for chronic infections and its effects on nitric oxide in the body. Dr. Lieurance emphasizes the risks of elevated inducible nitric oxide and shares his personal health journey, reflecting on the knowledge he wishes he had earlier. The episode concludes with Dr. Lieurance discussing his clinic’s offerings and how patients can connect with him.

Episode highlights:

  • Dr. John Lieurance’s background in chiropractic and natural medicine

  • Importance of neurological health and mitochondrial health

  • Impact of chronic infections on neurological function

  • Cranial collapse and its impact on brain health

  • Role of melatonin in cellular health

  • Strategies for mitigating the cell danger response

  • Enhancing mitochondrial health through sleep, exercise, and sun exposure

  • Use of intranasal laser therapy and suppository delivery for substances like NAD

  • Different forms of nitric oxide and their roles in the body

  • Use of ozone therapy and eboo IVs in Dr. Lieurance’s clinic

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